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Event Information
The third meeting of the Conference of the Parties will take place in an in-person format between 22-26 April 2024 at the ECLAC Headquarters in Santiago.
Live streaming will be available.
Code of conduct
In order to create an inclusive, safe, and respectful environment at Escazú Agreement events for all attendees, the Code of conduct applicable to people attending the events of the Escazú Agreement will be applicable to all participants of the event, which they must declare that they know, understand and accept at the time of sending their registration request.
Meeting venue
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations, located at Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura, Santiago.
All side events will be held completely virtually.
Opening session
The opening session will take place on Monday, 22 April 2024 at ECLAC.
For more details, please review the program.
Meeting coordination
The meeting will be organized by CEPAL. Questions on substantive matters relating to the meeting may be addressed to the Secretariat of the Escazú Agreement (secretaria.escazu@cepal.org ). Enquiries concerning operational aspects of the meeting should be addressed to María Paz Rivera (mariapaz.rivera@un.org, (+56) 2 2210 2618).
- The online registration system opened on Friday, 2 February 2024 at 9 am Santiago, Chile time.
- Due to the limited capacity of the event, once the maximum number of registrations for the public has been reached, a waiting list was opened.
- Once you send you registration request you will receive an automatic email indicating your request has been received and will be processed shortly by the Secretariat. Please note this e-mail does not imply approval of your registration to the Meeting.
- Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a specific email regarding the approval or rejection of your request.
- If your registration request has not yet been processed, please note that the waiting list will advance according to the registration date and as other members of the approved public withdraw from their registration.
- Please note that your registration approval is personal and is not transferable to third parties. In case you are unable to attend in person, please notify the Secretariat at your earliest convinience at secretaria.escazu@cepal.org
- In the case of participants whose registration has been approved and do not attend, without having given the corresponding prior notice to the Secretariat, this circumstance will be published in the registration and participation record and will be taken into account for event registrations organized by the Secretariat.
- For participants from the public, we kindly suggest registering up to two representatives per organization.
- The Secretariat will aim to facilitate the geographical and gender representation of participants from the public.
- Reasons for rejection of registration: (i) having incorrectly completed the registration form; (ii) having completed an inappropriate registration form; (iii) having registered more than two representatives of your organization; (iv) having been accepted and not attended COP2 without giving prior notice to the Secretariat; (v) having reached the capacity or limit of the meeting due to the total number of approved registrations.
- In the case of government delegates, online registration does not exempt delegations from the requirement to provide official notification of the name of the head of the delegation and all accompanying members.
- Representatives of States Parties must have letters of credentials in order to participate in decision-making (next item of this briefing note).
- In the case of government delegates and members of the UN System and International Organizations, an indication of the name of the head of their delegation shall be provided when registering. The Secretariat will do its best to accommodate all participants in the respective meeting rooms. If the room reaches its limit, only the designated head of their delegation will be able to access it. For more information about Intergovernmental Organizations, review the following reference list and definition. For any further information on accreditation, please contact María Paz Rivera (mariapaz.rivera@un.org, tel. (+56) 2 2210 2618).
- Please if you have any questions, please write secretaria.escazu@cepal.org
Complementary meetings and activities to COP3
Furthermore, on 25 and 26 April 2024, other related meetings will take place, including the fourth meeting of the Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance. The COP3 registry is extensive to these activities.
More information on meetings and complementary activities to COP3 will be available soon.
Credentials of Parties
In order to take part in decision-making at the meeting, parties must be accredited. Credentials for the head of a delegation, alternate representatives and advisers are issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Information regarding any change in the composition of the delegation should be submitted using the same procedure.
Parties are invited to submit electronic versions of credentials by Monday, 8 April 2024, to facilitate the clearance process. Electronic copies of credentials can be sent to secretaria.escazu@cepal.org
Samples of credentials are available in Spanish (.doc) and English (.doc).
Badge collection for registered participants
The collection of badges for registered and confirmed participants will take place on Monday, 22 April, Tuesday, 23 April, and Wednesday, 24 April during the Conference hours. Further information about badges collection will be provided soon.
For the collection of badges, the following will be required:
a. identification document
b. a copy of the ECLAC e-mail approving your registration (on paper or on your cell phone), with the registration number.
The official languages of the meeting will be Spanish and English. Simultaneous interpretation into both languages will be provided.
This will be a paper-smart meeting. All official documents and statements will be made available to read or download at http://acuerdodeescazu.cepal.org/cop3/es/documentos . Participants are advised to bring their laptop computer, tablet or other mobile devices to the meeting since only a limited number of printed documents will be available.